vitae spiritualis ianua
we bear the indelible mark
Are you a Catholic wandering in the wilderness? We'd love to pray for you. Send us your name, or the name of your loved one.
Are you a Catholic wandering in the wilderness? We'd love to pray for you. Send us your name, or the name of your loved one.
We are passionate about restoring cradle Catholics to full participation in our holy Church by reviving our cultural traditions, sharing personal testimony, and the power of unified prayer.
Deceived by secular culture, I entered into serious sexual sin at an early age despite being raised Catholic by loving parents. At the age of 22, I legally married a woman and fully turned my back on my faith. Coming to understand natural law but still not recognizing it as God's own, I left the homosexual lifestyle but continued to live apart from the Church.
After 13 years wandering in the wilderness, I found my way home through the beauty of the Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the fierce love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
As baptized Catholics, we have been set apart by God for God. Many of us have walked away from the gift of faith we were given as children, yet find that, as adults, the answers proposed by secular culture fail to satisfy.
Catholics in the Wilderness is an apostolate of prayer and conversion, borne of our own experiences wandering in the wilderness as young adults. In mysterious and wonderful ways, God led us back to the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Roman Catholic Church of our parents and grandparents, and of the saints and martyrs.
We are here to help you find meaning and purpose by reconnecting with your Catholic faith.
We may not realize how much the liturgical calendar shapes the rhythms of our lives until we try to live without it. That aimless feeling is no accident; without God, we truly are adrift.
The sacraments and observances of the holy Catholic Church are designed by God to support us in our human weakness and to nurture us with divine grace. God is made especially present to us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist. God gave us these opportunities for abundant grace with the indelible mark of our baptism.
You are invited to receive the fullness of God's merciful love, wherever you are in your journey. Visit your local parish today.
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